Popes and Their Leadership in the Arts Research Paper

Love Frank:

As one way to enhance our leadership capabilities, y'all take suggested in previous columns that we observe and critique the leadership traits and behaviors of other leaders, past and present.

Of all the prominent leaders of the last century, who is your favorite national or international leader whom we can all emulate and learn from?

Yes, we can all learn from historical figures who have been groovy leaders nationally or globally. Ed Everett in part one of his Local Government Leadership serial in ICMA's online PM mag suggests that "leadership is the art of influence and encouraging others to help motility a team, organization, customs or nation to a improve place."  And then, who has served on a national or global level and has exerted such positive influence?

I nominate Pope Francis as a neat leader to emulate. Pope Francis has certainly tried to influence church building officials, world corporate and government leaders, and his flock of 1.2 billion Catholics in order to create a ameliorate society.

Equally an Arab Jew, I have an outside-in perspective of Pope Francis and his leadership capabilities. Ane does not demand to be a Catholic to appreciate the leadership lessons from Pope Francis.

In terms of full disclosure, I must admit that I have some progressive biases in assessing Pope Francis' leadership behaviors and attributes. I endorse the Pope'due south views on social and economic justice and the urgent demand to salvage the planet. While I practise have these biases, this column offers me the opportunity to share my perspectives.

All Great Leaders Are Flawed

Let me say from the outset that all slap-up leaders have flaws and make mistakes.  It is 1 of the paradoxes of leadership (see Career Compass No. 56: The Paradoxes of Leadership).  For instance, a revolutionary leader whom I truly admire is Nelson Mandela.  Mandela fought the injustices and cruelties of apartheid and led the Black majority to power in South Africa.  After existence imprisoned for 27 years, Mandela was elected President of South Africa and led Blacks and whites through an incredibly difficult yet remarkable menstruation of reconciliation.

In spite of these incredible leadership achievements, Mandela by all accounts did not practise enough to root out the corruption of officials from the African National Congress (ANC) party which took over the regime and nonetheless governs today.  This lack of action from Mandela all the same hampers South African progress.  (See "Mandela Was Flawed Icon. Only Without Him, Due south Africa Would Be a Sadder Place," The Conversation web log, July 17, 2020.)

Franklin D. Roosevelt is my favorite President of the 20th Century.  FDR led our nation to survive the Great Low, win Globe State of war 2, and began to weave together a basic safety net for all Americans. FDR was also flawed. He had a long-time mistress and hurt his wife and family. Well-nigh chiefly, FDR gave into the demands of Stalin at the Yalta Conference and thus ceded Eastern Europe to the authoritarian control of the Soviet Union.

In the private sector, Steve Jobs was a design genius creating a peak-ranking valued global enterprise that makes incredible products. Past many accounts, Jobs mistreated a number of employees and colleagues.

While I consider Pope Francis a peachy leader for a variety of reasons (see below), he besides has flaws and has made mistakes. Most significantly, Pope Francis was too deadening to recognize and has inadequately addressed the sex abuse and pedophilia crisis that continues to haunt the Catholic Church. He publicly defended the bishop who covered up the pedophilia of a priest in Argentine republic and discounted the horror stories of victims.

All great leaders are imperfect. However, we can nevertheless learn from their triumphs and failures.

Emulate but Don't Attempt to Clone

We tin can learn by observing and studying other leaders, what they accept done well and not and then well. Early in my career, I worked for a urban center director who spent a lot of time relating to councilmembers and gaining their support simply failed to engage employees and connect with them. He was ultimately a failed leader. Later in my career, I learned from other colleagues how to become more humble and less arrogant.

The cardinal is to acquire from the missteps of other leaders and emulate what other leaders practise well.  Still, we practise non want to be clones. (Meet "Learn From Bezos, Just Don't Try To Be His Clone," Smart Leadership weblog, Feb 2, 2021.) By observing other leaders, we desire their behaviors and attributes to inform how we can become over time the all-time version of ourselves.

Leadership Attributes of Pope Francis

Here is my assessment of the attributes that make Pope Francis a groovy leader whom we can all emulate.


Francis is self-aware and knows his life story and how it has informed his leadership journey.

Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina, Francis suffered equally a young man from a life-threatening case of pneumonia and had a portion of his lung removed.  Early jobs in Buenos Aires included working as a bar bouncer and a janitor sweeping floors. As a young ordained priest, Francis ministered to the poor in the slums of Buenos Aires. As a bishop, he doubled the number of priests assigned to poor neighborhoods and was called the "Slum Bishop."

Francis is not afraid to take on powerful interests. For instance, in the 1970s, the military dictatorship in Argentine republic tortured and killed thousands of opponents during the "Dirty War."  While Francis did not publicly denounce the military machine junta, Francis hid the victims of the "Dirty War" in churches and helped them escape the country. (See Helen Popper and Karina Grazina, "Argentina's Pope Stood Upwardly to Power, But Has His Critics," reuters.com, March 14, 2013.)

Pope Francis' calling equally the leader of the Catholic Church building flows from his life history and the lessons he learned along the manner. As Bill George states in Discover Your True North, "self-awareness is the starting point of leadership."


Many of the Pope'south strengths menses from his bones humanity and humility. Different many formal leaders, Pope Francis does not stand up on privilege. When Francis was introduced to the world as the new Pope in March 2013 and stood on the balcony in front end of the crowds in St. Peter's Square, he did non don the majestic vestments of the Pope but rather a uncomplicated white cassock and a simple silver cross.  Instead of the tradition of blessing the crowd, the new Pope asked for their prayers.

Pope Francis' living quarters at the Vatican are not the palatial papal penthouse of his predecessors only rather an ordinary two-room apartment in an adjacent guesthouse. Francis eats in a communal dining hall and wears worn-out shoes instead of the papal cherry-red slippers.  Whenever possible, Pope Francis rides in a nondescript car, non a chauffeured limousine.  Francis often makes his own phone calls (how many principal executives or city managers do that?).


The Pope is a values-driven leader. Francis stresses in many ways that all of us (non-Catholics, gays, homeless people, AIDS victims, prisoners, refugees) are brothers and sisters under God and deserve our support and love. Beyond his speeches and writings, Francis has symbolically washed and kissed the anxiety of the homeless, prisoners, and Muslim and Hindu refugees to emphasize the humanity of us all and how we leaders must serve everyone.

Francis promotes the value of inclusion, the credence of differences, and our shared humanity regardless of our religion, ethnic group, status, wealth or ability. Nosotros are all part of the Pope'due south flock.

To promote inclusion, Pope Francis knows that an institution'due south leadership must be diverse and consider different experiences and perspectives.  Therefore, the Pope recently named 13 new Cardinals, including the get-go Black U.S. Cardinal and new Cardinals of color from Africa, the Philippines, and S America. To improve inform his leadership, Francis as well created a quango of eight Cardinals from around the world to provide different voices and new insights.


Given the Pope'southward mission of serving all humankind, he tries to be nonjudgmental.  Francis has strong opinions only tries his best to be open to different life experiences. For instance, he now allows divorced people to receive communion. In response to whether gay people should exist embraced by the church, Francis famously stated, "who am I to approximate?"

A 'Regular Guy'

Pope Francis connects with everyone and demonstrates a joy for life in many pocket-sized ways.  He loves football (soccer) and is a rabid fan of his home football club San Lorenzo from Buenos Aires. Francis has an "intense fondness" as he puts it for dancing the tango. In fact, to celebrate his altogether in 2014, 3,000 followers danced the tango in St. Peter's Square. Francis loves children and is visibly energized by them. Francis eats pizza as a favorite meal and keeps in contact with long-time friends.

Francis does not take himself too seriously and is often playful. He takes selfies with visitors and has donned a clown'south red nose to surprise newlyweds who volunteer at a clemency that provides clown therapy to sick children.

All of these elementary joys helps the Pope connect with us and thus increases his influence as a leader.

"Incremental Radical"

In the words of Jim Collins, Pope Francis is an "incremental radical."  (See ICMA'south Leading Ideas video interview of Jim Collins: "Good to Nifty.")  An incremental radical knows the full general management of positive change but cannot move the establishment, community, or nation all at one time. For instance, FDR knew the United States had to enter Globe War 2 but faced not bad isolationist sentiment and opposition among Americans prior to the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor. Therefore, FDR created the Lend Charter program providing ships, shipping and weaponry to Britain as an incremental pace towards entering the War.

In the same vein, Francis knows that he needs to assist the church adapt. Francis realizes that church leadership must be more diverse, women must play a larger function, and new constituencies (such as indigenous people from around the globe) must be embraced to abound the church.

Withal, the Pope cannot modify the institution of the church all at once due to powerful conservative forces within the church, including the opposition of the Curia or Vatican bureaucracy that wants to keep its power and influence. Consequently, the Pope takes incremental steps. Instead of legalizing gay marriages within the church, the Pope supports gay civil unions. Francis states that gay and transgender people are loved past God and deserve the ministry of the church. In supporting gay civil unions, Francis stated "Homosexual people have a correct to exist in a family. They are children of God."

Instead of allowing women to serve as priests, the Pope has supported women reading at masses just not getting ordained as priests. He has created a committee to consider women every bit deacons who can perform many of the duties of priests, such as weddings, baptisms, and funerals.

In 2019, Pope Francis did not grant a asking from the Catholic bishops of the Amazon to permit for the priestly ordination of married men in their territories in society to address a severe lack of ministers across the nine-nation region or for the ordination of women. Assuming that Francis believes that women should be ordained and serve priestly functions, some progressive critics of the Pope suggested that this was a missed opportunity to accept a stride forward.

As an institutional leader who knows that the church needs to be reformed, Francis must accept patience all the same yet accept concrete steps forrad and thus create further momentum for positive change.

In brusk, incremental radicals embrace alter and try to shape it for the better over time.


Similar all of united states, Pope Francis has fears.  Like any courageous leader, Francis must acknowledge his fears and act anyhow.

During the financial crunch in Argentine republic in 2001-02, Francis called out in his homilies corrupt authorities officials who he viewed as responsible for the "food riots" in his country. Equally Pope, Francis is at present a song critic of powerful monied elites who engage in unbridled capitalism, promote consumerism, and do good from over-evolution and the devastation of our planet. At the 2014 Globe Economical Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Pope spoke direct to world leaders from the private and public sectors: "I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it." (See "The Globe's Biggest Modify Agent," Changing Winds weblog, Nov 22, 2020.)

In speaking almost the world-broad refugee crisis to authorities leaders, Francis quotes Leviticus: "When the stranger lives with you in your land, you should non oppress him."

Learning from Mistakes

Whatsoever leader will make mistakes. Bang-up leaders admit and learn from mistakes.

As indicated, Pope Francis did non adequately answer to the sex abuse crisis in the church building. He has publicly apologized for his "grave errors" and asked forgiveness. Every bit one example, Francis took responsibility for his misguided defense of the Chilean bishop who covered upwards abuse by a pedophile priest.  (Meet E.J. Dionne Jr, "Penitent Pontiff Should Serve equally Model for Profane President," San Francisco Chronicle, April 16, 2018.)

Francis instigated an investigation into the corruption in Chile, confessed his "hurting and shame," recognized that he was function of the problem, summoned the Chilean bishops to Rome to address the tragic history, and then reached out and met with some of the Chilean victims of the abuse and committed to respond. (See Emma Green, "The Pope's Turn-Around on Sexual activity Abuse May Accept Tsunami Effect," The Atlantic, May 21, 2018.)

To reverse course, Pope Francis created in March 2014 the Pontifical Commission on the Protection of Minors, called together in February 2019 a Vatican tiptop on the sex corruption crisis, and issued mandates that church officials must written report sex abuse claims to local regime. (Information technology should be noted that critics seem to rightfully claim that these responses are inadequate given the opposition of the Vatican bureaucracy and the lack of accountability of bishops and thus they urge more radical reforms.  Meet Emma Dark-green, "Why Does the Cosmic Church Keep Failing on Sexual Abuse?," The Atlantic, Feb 14, 2019.)

Acknowledging mistakes and apologizing for them demonstrate vulnerability. Vulnerability creates connection and trust with followers. In addition, if leaders have activeness to remedy their mistakes, they can acquire and grow as a result of their errors.

Symbols and Storytelling

The Pope is non a particularly good orator. Nonetheless, he is a great communicator. Why?

Commencement, Francis finer uses symbols. As Pope, he pointedly named himself after St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the environs and dedicated retainer of the poor. Francis washes the feet of the marginalized. He resides in a simple apartment.

2d, Francis reaches out to people and connects with them through conversation. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the Pope made countless phone calls to COVID patients, elderly shut-ins, and health care workers and volunteers. Francis listened to their experiences, shared their suffering, and provided encouragement and support. The Pope is a wonderful conversationalist considering he is intensely present, tunes into the other person, listens deeply, and is thus able to connect.

Third, the Pope has adapted to the new media.  He uses social media to communicate with his global constituency and has over 6 1000000 followers.

Finally, Francis is a storyteller. He recognizes that storytelling is the most powerful way to teach and lead. For instance, in the documentary Francesco, the Pope broke from long-standing church doctrine well-nigh the place of gay people in the church building. He told the story of a moving alphabetic character that he received from a gay man who had adopted 3 children with his partner and wanted to desperately bring them upwards in his Cosmic faith. Francis telephoned the man and told him to go alee and the local church accepted the family into the parish. The Pope ended the story by stating that "homosexuals take the correct to exist part of the family. They are children of God." (See Francesco documentary, 2020.)

Servant Leader

Pope Francis is a "servant leader."  A servant leader is committed to heighten the well-existence of the system, coworkers, and the people they serve.  Servant leaders are "other-centered," as opposed to "me-centered." They seek to exert positive influence (rather than increase their own power and condition) so that they tin meliorate make a difference and serve others.

While not bad leaders are humble, they are still passionate. They just demonstrate their passion in a repose manner. They are not boisterous almost their commitments simply they demonstrate their commitments every day in small ways. They model the way.

We leaders cannot copy what Pope Francis does just we can flex our behaviors to contain some of his humility, actuality, and courage equally a change agent. As a global leader, Francis has influence because he has the ability to connect with others by:

  • Being nowadays.
  • Deeply listening.
  • Demonstrating empathy and pity.
  • Sharing experiences and stories.
  • Taking incremental steps forward in pursuit of his mission and vision.

In all our roles (local government professional, colleague, partner, parent, family member, friend), let us also try to alter the world for the better.

frankbenest80pxSponsored by the ICMA Coaching Program, ICMA Career Compassis a monthly column from ICMA focused on career issues for local regime professional person staff. Dr. Frank Benest is ICMA's liaison for Next Generation Initiatives and resides in Palo Alto, California. If you accept a career question you would like addressed in a future Career Compass, electronic mail careers@icma.org or contact Frank directly at frank@frankbenest.com. Read past columns at icma.org/careercompass.

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Source: https://icma.org/articles/article/career-compass-no-90-leadership-lessons-pope-francis

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